Reciprocal Relationships: August Wilson and the Playwrights’ Center
by Justin Maxwell
Moving to the Twin Cities, poet Wilson completes his transformation from writer to award-winning playwright, while his success bolsters the institution that helped launch his career.
Of Generations and Greatness
by Brian Horrigan
What, exactly, is a generation, and what makes it great? Preparing the Minnesota Historical Society’s 2008 exhibition, an exhibit developer ponders the factors that molded Minnesota’s Greatest Generation and motivated its “celebratory anointing.”
Minnesota's Greatest Generation Grows Up
by Dave Kenney
Minnesotans remember childhood and adolescence during the Great Depression.
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Dr. Charlie Mayo for President?
by Judith Hartzell
While Republicans hoped to “Keep Cool with Coolidge” in 1924, Democrats considered the Minnesota doctor as a dark-horse presidential candidate.
Jane King Hession relates a neighborhood’s enduring affection for its whimsical water tower.
Book Reviews
St. Paul’s Architecture * Minnesota: On-the-Road Histories * Dan Patch and Mr. Savage * Childhood on the Farm
Christian Peterson peers at a photographer being photographed and visits the world of camera clubs circa 1941.
News & Notes
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